This lasted until 1870, where amidst growing socialist unrest and after a defeat during the Franco-Prussian War, Emperor Napoleon was deposed and the Third Republic created. Three years later, facing the possibility of defeat in the next election, Louis-Napoleon suspended the elected assembly and established the Second French Empire in a coup d'état. This new government was too conservative to solve the unrest, and after further rebellions in the latter half of 1848 Louis-Napoleon was elected President of France largely on the basis of wide peasant support. In the earlier uprising, King Louis-Philippe had been brought to the throne as the head of a constitutional monarchy, but growing dissatisfaction saw him deposed and the Second French Republic created. The French Revolution of 1848 occurred at the height of the liberal revolutions spreading across Europe, and was simply the second phase of the earlier French Revolution of 1830. 2 The French Revolution in PDM and Vanilla.